Keep Calm and Winterize Your Home

winterize, North CarolinaWinter is coming and there is nothing you can do about it. Sorry to break it to you like that, but it had to be said. Every year the cold weather and blowing snow show up and it seems like people are taken off guard. This year be prepared and get your home ready for Old Man Winter.

While the weather is still nice, you need to check your gutters and downspouts. Make sure they are free of leaves and other debris, so they can flow correctly. A clogged drainage system will allow ice dams and icicles to build, causing water to pool closer to your foundation than is comfortable. This is one of the few home fixes that costs nothing other than your time and the energy to climb a ladder. (Unless you want to pay the neighbor kid!)

Frozen Pipes Can Ruin Your Day

A pipe that freezes will split or burst and then you have to deal with it in freezing temperatures. Broken pipes are bad enough in warm weather, now imagine dealing with them in ice-cold water in January! Make sure that any pipes that run through unheated portions of your home are insulated and protected. If pipes run along the outside walls of your home, make sure closet and cabinet drawers are open, to allow the heat of your home to keep them warm.

A small leak in a damaged pipe may go unnoticed until it causes a big problem or you can’t figure out why your water bill has jumped. A big leak may cause you to lose a water source while causing damage to your home. In addition to flooding, if water gets into cracks and freezes, it can cause the crack to widen, causing more damage.

Protect Your Home From The Elements

There are many steps you can take to keep your home warm and safe during the winter. Depending on the age of your home you may want to do some or all of the following winterizing tips:

  • Remove window air conditioner units to reduce cold drafts
  • Seal off windows and patio doors with plastic sheeting to keep the cold out and heat in
  • Reverse your ceiling fans’ direction to bring the heat from the ceiling
  • Make sure your furnace filter is clean. If you have windows facing south, open the blinds to allow the sun to heat the room
  • Blocked registers and vents won’t allow your home to heat properly, keep them clear

A little prep time before the cold sets in will save you in energy costs and keep your home comfortable.

Outside Winter Preparations

As much as we’d like to stay inside during the winter, we do have to venture out on occasion. Make sure you are ready to clear the snow. You can do it yourself with a snow shovel or snow thrower. Don’t wait until the first foot-deep snowfall to find out your shovel is broken or your snowblower won’t start. Also keep a couple of bags of salt or sand on hand, to keep people from slipping on ice-covered sidewalks or steps. If you need to arrange for a snow removal service, you need to have that set up before the cold weather starts.

By preparing your home for the winter you should be able to relax in the warm comfort of your home. However, if you do have any foundation problems, we can assist you, no matter what the weather is like. Call us today to learn more about we can help you with winter foundation repairs.

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